
A change in my life

This is my first entry, so I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself. At school I am nothing more than the outcast of my class, I am in 10th grade and I really thought things would be looking up now that I am in high school but to be honest they only got worse. I have no idea how I`ve been managing to get through this year without my friends. Sometimes being an outsider is actually harder than being normal because you have to be prepared to be the most bullied girl at school and everywhere else. I don't know if any of you guys are going through the same "problem" as I am, but if you are then you`ll understand how difficult it is to be yourself when that means that no one will ever like you.

But that`s not everything that`s wrong in my life, I know this must be really depressing but is really not that bad. My family is obsessed with PERFECTION and I am the exact opposite. My older sister though, fits perfectly with my parents expectations, and that`s really annoying because they`re always comparing me with her, and of course for every one good thing I have she`s got a million better.

I hope you guys like my blog even if it wasn`t very cheerful, but hey! even by the name you should have guessed that it wasn't going to be. Anyway please let me know what you think about my blog.

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